DJM 900 Nexus and Innofader PNP - wire mod needed

Hello All,


The Innofader PNP has an issue where an internal auto-switch is not compatible with the DJM 900 Nexus so needs to be disabled. This auto switch selects between balanaced and unbalanced curve control. Since the following mod will disable the switch, please set the Innofader PNP curve in the middle for proper operation. Otherwise one side will have a sharper curve than the other when you turn the curve dial.


To do this, simply remove the yellow wire from the side of the cable which plugs into the Innofader PNP main piece.


First lift up the wire with the mini screwdriver and pull out the wire at the same time.




When you are done it should look like this:




Don't forget when you are done to put electrical tape on the loose end so it doesn't short circuit inside the mixer.

